KB Home is well underway with the construction of 242 for-sale residential homes located on the north side of The Flea Market, bordering Berryessa Road in San Jose. The foundations for the model homes are being formed, and the finished models will open in December 2013.
Borelli Investment Company represented The Flea Market in the sale of 9.5 net acres of excess land in February 2013. Borelli Investment Company is also the project manager on the development of the 120 acre site.
As part of Phase I, Berryessa Road is being renovated in include sidewalks and infrastructure in order to provide a pedestrian-friendly entrance to the future Berryessa BART station. Sierra Road will be opened to Berryessa Road. A walking trail along Coyote Creek will be constructed, and land will be dedicated to the City for a future park to be built next to the entrance of the creek trail.
All inquiries for this project should be directed to Chris Anderson or Ralph Borelli at Borelli Investment Company – 408-453-4700.